Start date: Jun 05, 2024
End date: Jun 07, 2024

地点: Georgia World Congress Center

展位号: 421

Description: SUR/FIN is the primary conference and trade show dedicated specifically to the surface technology industry. It is where leading surface technology companies connect, collaborate and contribute. And because it is the only conference and trade show sponsored by the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF)—representing the $28 billion finishing industry—it attracts noted business leaders and prominent thinkers to a forum where relevant issues are addressed and technologies presented.

Join us to hear:

推荐者: Robin Deal, Product Manager
Thursday, June 6th at 3:30 PM
Wastewater Reclamation in the Metal Finishing Industry
How clean is clean? We often ask ourselves that for the parts we manufacture, but how often do we look at our water? Is it clean enough for the make-down of baths? For rinsing parts? When we discuss reducing our water footprint, these are questions we should ask ourselves to ensure that we meet manufacturing needs.
Learning objectives:
    Water usage within the metal finishing industry is critical from the make-down of the production baths to the need for flowing rinses to ensure parts are clean for the next step in the process. The objective of this presentation is to:
  • Impart the need for water recycling in the metal finishing industry
  • Discuss the top methods in-use now for water reclamation
  • Review lab and pilot study data on the different methods for water reclamation
  • Discuss future steps to reduce water consumption in the metal finishing industry

  • 推荐者: Fernando Carminholi, Business Development
    Wednesday, June 5th at 3:00 PM
    Unlocking Cleaner Futures: Membrane Filtration for Profitability and Sustainability This presentation provides insights into the synergy between equipment and chemicals for optimal performance and longevity. Unveil the potential of membrane filtration to recover up to 98% of the cleaner solution. Discover the added value of reducing waste disposal costs for concentrated waste, optimizing cleaner lifespan by adjusting oil concentrations, and understanding the direct link between cleaner concentration and effective oil content management. Save on chemical costs, waste disposal, and energy costs while efficiently extending the life of your cleaner and promoting sustainability. Learning Objectives:
    • Role of membrane filtration in safeguarding industrial assets
    • Diverse challenges in achieving technical cleanliness across processes
    • Cost-saving opportunities through cleaner longevity and reduced chemical waste

For Testing Fields:

Start Date: 2024-06-05

End Date: 2024-06-07

地点: Georgia World Congress Center

Booth Number: 421

External Link:

Is External Link? 1

Excerpt: SUR/FIN is the primary conference and trade show dedicated specifically to the surface technology industry. It is where leading surface technology companies connect, collaborate and contribute. And because it is the only conference and trade show sponsored by the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF)—representing the $28 billion finishing industry—it attracts noted business leaders and prominent thinkers to a forum where relevant issues are addressed and technologies presented.
